School Readiness
Children develop more rapidly during the first five years of their lives than at any other time. This page has been written to help you as a parent know how your child is developing by highlighting what to expect, remembering that all children are different.
Children learn and develop through playing, exploring, being active, creative and being asked questions to help their thinking. Take a look below and use it as a prompt to explore and try new things together.
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School Readiness -
A Common Understanding for Early Years Practitioners in Dorset
Research shows that children who are school-ready when entering reception classes are able to benefit most from what schools have to offer, building the foundations which facilitate their lifelong learning.
"Working together to ensure all our children are ready for school"
Ready Pre-schools and Schools ensure that they ...
- provide a safe, secure and inclusive environment for all children and their families
- build strong links with all other providers supporting smooth transitions for all children
- embed the principles of the EYFS as the basis for all they do, creating a child-centred approach to supporting each child's learning and development
- have high expectations and ambitions for every child
- facilitate a continuity of each child's learning and development pathways
- are aware of and plan for each child's needs, interests, and unique learning style
- provide high quality, play based learning environment where all children can thrive
- initiate strong links with parents including development of open and respectful relationships and encouragement of a two way flow of information
- share ideas on how to support children's learning and development with all parents
Ready Families ensure they ...
- show an interest in their child's ideas and value their contributions, praising their efforts and celebrating their achievements
- provide a stimulating home environment for example by sharing stories, rhymes and songs, providing opportunities to play outdoors, to talk about numbers and to count objects such as buttons on a coat
- have fun together, visit familiar and new places and talk together about their experiences
- are beginning to develop an open and trusting relationship with their child's new school, taking all opportunities to meet with staff from the school to learn about school life
- share information about their unique child with the new teacher
- are supporting their child's self-help skills and independence by teaching and encouraging toileting and dressing skills and encouraging them to communicate their needs and feelings to others
Ready children are ...
- curious and enthusiastic
- developing their attention and listening skills
- able to concentrate on an activity of their own choosing
- able to manage their own personal care
- developing tolerance and respect for others
- confident, resilient and have a "can do" attitude
- developing and using communication skills
- becoming more independent
- beginning to have a sense of number
- developing fine and gross motor skills
- creative and can solve problems