School Curriculum

Teachers plan units of work based on the Early Years Foundation Stage for our Reception aged children and National Curriculum Programmes of Study for Years 1 to Years 4. The school prides itself in delivering an exciting and engaging curriculum which challenges and supports all our children whilst responding to their individual needs and interests. Our aim is to enable all children to learn and achieve, promote their spiritual, moral and cultural development and prepare all children for the opportunities and responsibilities of later life. Skills in literacy and numeracy are developed progressively throughout the school as part of a comprehensively planned curriculum.



We believe that key to children’s both academic and personal future success is the development of literacy skills. We pride ourselves on providing a rich language environment and daily high quality phonics within our Reception, Year 1 and 2 classes. As a result our children make significant early progress in their early literacy skills enabling them to access our rich curriculum effectively.


Enhance Curriculum

Throughout the school teachers take every opportunity to enhance the curriculum through guest speakers, specialist teachers and visitors, who are invited into school to share their special knowledge, expertise and enthusiasm with the children. The school curriculum is well supported through educational visits within the local area and the educational facilities of the excellent museums and exhibits in and around Dorset. Our teachers also take advantage of our extensive outside environment to enhance children’s learning. Children in Key Stage Two have the opportunity to participate in a residential trip which not only challenges them with outdoor adventurous activities but also builds their team work and social skills.



Children are offered a wide variety of opportunities to participate in creative activities including Art, Music and Drama and many of these are celebrated through public performance or display. The school has a number of visiting peripatetic music teachers who lead sessions for individuals and groups of children in a wide range of musical instruments. Children participate in a wide range of sporting activities and have the opportunity to represent the school frequently in sporting festivals and competitions. In Key Stage 2 all children learn French. Special curriculum weeks are a feature of curriculum planning, and during these the focus is on a particular curriculum subject or a topical theme.



Our philosophy is the development of the whole person and specifically to give children a wider understanding of themselves, of personal relationships, social responsibilities and to enable them to make effective and responsible choices in matters of personal behaviour. Our policy is available on our website. Following consultation with the Head teacher, parents have the right to withdraw their children from these sessions.

If you would like more details on our curriculum please see the class webpage, contact your child's class teacher via e schools, or the school office.