Emergency Closure

It is not usually possible to foresee when an emergency could force us to close the school. 
A warning for the next day (if forecasts predict poor weather) will be given by e-mail/letters sent home. It will also be logged on our website.
A decision to close the school for a day due to bad weather will be taken as early in the morning as possible, prior to 8am.   If the school decides to close please check the Dorset for You Closed services website. A text message will also be sent via the eSchools app.  Please ensure your contact details are up to date and you have downloaded the app and have been able to access it.  Please see below the Parent User Guide should you need assistance.
Very occassionally due to sudden inclement weather, heating or power failure it becomes necessary to close the school during the day.  If this is necessary we will contact parents as soon as possible, put a message on the website and email parents where ever possible. 
We must stress that no child would be sent home during school hours unaccompanied.  Children will be kept at school until collected by a parent or another responsible adult. 
To ensure your children's safety, would you please bear in mind the following points:
  • Keep appropriate contact telephone numbers up to date; i.e. home, work. mobile. friend, relative. 
  • Keep appropriate email addresses up to date
  • If there has been heavy snowfall/very icy road conditions, please check with staff before leaving your child. 

If you’re on Twitter, whether as a school, or individually, make sure to follow us @TravelDorset, if you haven’t already – for live updates across the day.

Please feel free to use and share the information between school and home, and spread the word in any newsletters or on your internet sites.

Live traffic and travel: dorsetforyou.com/traveldorset  – @TravelDorset on Twitter