Starting school -how to be 'school ready'

Top Tips before the big day make sure you have:
  • At the end of the Summer Term bought your child a school book bag
  • Bought your child’s uniform and checked what the school policy says about where to buy. (can be found here)
  • Make sure everything is labelled with their name
  • Checked if the school has a second hand uniform sale (before the end of the Summer term)
  • Checked out the start dates for your child and know how many days your child may be half day before going full time
  • Checked the start time and finish times of that first day
  • Checked which school entrance to take your child to and the way into the school grounds
  • Shared any concerns you may have about your child settling or starting with the school (either directly or through the pre-school)
  • During the school holidays talk about school in a positive way.  Look on the school website for a photo of the child’s class teacher and use their name when talking about them
  • Visited the school for the Summer Fair or other informal open events that are held by the school.  
  • Visited the website to find out more about what your child will be learning at school.
  • Looked at activities provided at your local Children’s Centre that can help children prepare for school including summer holiday activities.
  • Make sure that you have completed all the relevant forms for your new school.

    Any concerns please contact the school